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HomeWait List Instructions

Wait List Instructions

  1. Membership Requirement - You must be an active member for the current ski club season to sign up for a trip and hence the wait list for a trip. If you are not a member of the ski club, you must join the club and create an account on the ski club website. If your membership has expired, you must renew before continuing.
  2. Website Login - You must be logged on to the ski club website to sign up on the wait list for a trip. If your membership has expired or you are not a member, you will not be able to get past the login screen. If you have forgotten your password, please follow the instructions on the login screen.
  3. Trip Details Button - To begin the trip signup process - click on the Trip Details button below the respective trip you want to sign up for. Both Members and non-Members can look at the trip details. To get past the trip detailsscreen, click on the Signup button. At this point, you will need to be a member to continue. If you are not logged on with your ski club website account, the login screen will come up.
  4. Trip Signup Dialogue - Follow all of the screens and fill in all information as presented on the screens. Be sure to scroll down to read any information that you do not see when the page comes up on your screen. You must answer all of the required questions on the additional Information screen and check a box that indicates you acknowledge the liability waiver.
  5. Complete Registration  - The signup dialogue is a two step process. Once you click on Complete Registration button, you will be signed up for the trip. You will then be taken to the payment screen.
  6. Payment Screen- The payment screen has a drop down box where you choose how you are going to pay for the trip. For a wait list position, you will need to submit a check to the treasurer for payment in full. There is a credit card option that will not work. You must select "Print Invoice and Send Check". Send a check for the amount on the invoice to the address presented on the payment screen. For wait listed signups, the check will not be cashed.
  7. Trip Confirmation - ou should receive an email that you are being offerend a spot on the trip you are wait listed for. You will then need the authorize the treasurer to cash the check you submitted for payment in full. Once your payment is posted to your account, you will be confirmed as an official member of the trip.
  8. Wait List Cancellation - At any time you may cancel your wait list spot by notifying the trip leader or treasurer of the ski club via email or telephone. If you are offered a spot on a trip, you have the option to turn it down at that time as well.
  9. Wait List Priority - If there are multiple people on a wait list for a trip, the trip leader will offer open spots in order of wait list signup.
  10. Other Policies/Information - It is highly suggested that you acquaint yourself with our club policies and information on ski trips at the following links:
    • Payment Instructions - More information on making all payments current and future for a trip.
    • Trip Policies - Trip Policies that are currently in force for the Lincoln Park Ski Club.
    • Cancellation Policy - Trip cancellation instructions and information. Note you cannot cancel a trip via the trip signup dialogue.